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Florence Italy travel guide

Florence tours and itineraries

Are you planning to come to Florence or Tuscany? How long do you want to stay ? Here you can find two suggested itineraries to see Florence depending on your available time.

Tour n°1: One day Florence tour

9.00 - Meeting point at Piazza Stazione. Walking along Via Panzani and then along Via Cerretani you can watch at the fashion shop’s windows while reaching The Duomo Place. 9.30 - One hour to see the Duomo and the Baptistry. Take a walk around all the Cathedral’s perimeter to observe each particular of the monument and of the Giotto Tower. Inside the Dome you can see important frescos and go up to the Brunelleschi Chapel. 10.30 - Now you’re ready to go, through Via Calzaiuoli, to Piazza Signoria. In via Calzaiouli there are a lot of elegant and smart shops, ice cream shops, many bars and snack bars where you can eat or drink something. 11.30 - Piazza Signoria: one hour to see all the beautiful works of art contained in this unique square. “Loggia dei Lanzi”, the “Old Palace”, Michelangiolo’s David sculpture and the “ Biancone”, the fountain on the left of the Old Palace are surrounded by a lot of ancient and smart palaces. Near the fountain you can read the tablet in honor of Girolamo Savonarola. 12.30 - Have a Tuscan lunch in one of the “Trattorie” ( typical restaurant ) of the old Florence. 14.00 - After lunch we leave P.zza Signoria to go to Via Por Santa Maria. Walking along this street in the Old Bridge direction, we can take a look at the fashion shops, jewelers and leather shops. At the end of the street we arrive at the Old Bridge on the river Arno. 15.00 - Take a walk on the old bridge, look at the panorama and breathe centuries of history. Goldsmiths have been staying on the bridge since the Renaissance age...., if your pockets are full !! 16.00 - Arrived to the other side take a walk to Pitti Palace. Pitti family, enemies of the Medici, asked Brunelleschi to design this monumental palace. Boboli Park is near the palace. 17.00 - After the palace and a fast visit to the park you can back to the station. 18.30 - End of the tour. Tired ? One ( better two) glass of Chianti wine will give you the right feeling..... >>


Florence Tour n°2: Two days Florence tour

First day: 9.00 - Meeting point at the station. 10.00 - Through Via Panzani and Via Cerretani we arrive at the Duomo. 11.00 - Walking along Via Calzaiuoli we arrive in Piazza Signoria. 12.00 - The Old Bridge, panoramic view and a look to the goldsmiths on the bridge. 12.30 - Lunch 14.00 - we back to the Signoria square to visit the Uffizi Gallery. It’s strongly recommended to book tickets before going in. 17.00 - After visiting the Uffizi museum we can back in the Signoria Square. On the left of the Old Palace, walking along the Borgo De Greci Street we reach S. Croce Cathedral. This beautiful monument was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1295 AD. On the left we can see the Dante’s Statue. A monumental sculpture of the Florentine poet. 18.30 - After a look to the Square we can go into the church, many frescos and sculpture are visible in the cathedral. 19.00 - End of the first day

Second day: 9.00 - Meeting point at S. Maria Novella square. 10.00 - After visiting the Cathedral we can go towards Piazza della Repubblica walking along Via Tornabuoni and Via Strozzi. These are very smart and fashionable streets. Famous Fashion Houses have a lot of shops here: Valentino, Versace, Armani, Gucci...etc.. 11.00 - We arrive in Piazza della Repubblica. Take a look at the place and then we walk through Via Calzaiuoli going to Piazza Signoria. 12.00 - Walking along the The Old Bridge we cross the River Arno. Through Via Guicciardini we reach the monumental Pitti Palace. 12.30 - Take a look at the palace, lunch... 13.30 - Now we are going to go up to the Michelangiolo panoramic place. To go there we have to back on the river Arno, walk along the Lungarno Torrigiani and then we arrive to the Rampe upstairs. Going up you can see the panorama of Florence. 15.00 - Piazzale Michelangiolo. The most beautiful view on the city. 17.00 - Back down in the old center of Florence. 18.00 - Visit the San Lorenzo Market, near the Dome, taking a look to the S. Lorenzo cathedral. If you want you can see the Medici Chapels and the New Sagrestia containing a lot of Michelangiolo sculptures. 19.00 - End of the tour...

Florence Italy easy guide - For your vacation and travel in Florence. Tourist information, art and culture, news.

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